پروژه ی احیای لنج بوم ایرانی

About the Revival process of Iranian Boom Lenj boat

Traditional Iranian seafaring is on the verge of destruction due to the replacement of modern barges instead of wooden Lenj boats. Wooden sailing barges have not been launched for a long time and many of them have been destroyed. The colony of old sailors is getting smaller day by day and the rest of the survivors have forgotten lots of their knowledge. With certainty we can say that if no action is taken to revive Iran's traditional seafaring, this heritage will be completely lost in less than a decade! One of the most important and biggest goals of the project of revitalizing the Iranian Boom lenj boat is to take steps towards preserving the maritime heritage of Iran.

About the Revival process of Iranian Boom Lenj boat

The idea of ​​this project was formed in 2018 with the aim of reviving traditional sailing. Our first and most important goal of this project was to create and restore a lenj boat to remind us again of Iran's barge-making and maritime heritage. It was at the beginning of the journey that we realized that the danger of Iranian Boom destruction is beyond our imagination. Because among about five thousand fishing lenj boats in the Persian Gulf cities, there were less than a hundred Boom lenj boats, many of which were not even able to get renovated. Also, due to the lack of use of this type of lenj boat, many buyers of booms intend to use parts such as their engines, rather than rebuilding and relaunching them.

بازسازی لنج بوم ایرانی
Boom Lenj boat, during the process of renovation - Kong port

Finally, in 2019, we managed to buy a Boom lenj boat to renovate. Although there are many boat builders working in the south of Iran; But, for the reasons we mentioned earlier, almost no one among these boat makers is dedicated to making Boom boats anymore. This made it all the more difficult for us; because with the few traditional sailors left, who themselves had forgotten much of what they had learned during years of being away from the sea, finding a guide seemed an improbable task. But in the end, the old sailors' colony of Kong city came to our aid! And so the restoration work began in two phases: 1. Technical and 2. Appearance. Captain Abdurrahman Babu was our guide in this process, and for this reason, after the completion of the project, we named this lenj boat "Babu Boom" in appreciation of his efforts.

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